Wednesday, December 7, 2016

5 Websites

Dog Photographer

On this website I looked through a series of dog pictures that were taken in different settings. I also learned about how Anne Geier's love for animals developed into her passion for animal photography.

1. I picked this photo because it really stood out to me the second I looked at it. The way the colors pop together makes me excited and I love how bold it is.

2. The most obvious rule of photography is the rule of thirds, and I think the dog is well placed.
3. Austrian photographer Anne Geier took the photo.

Slow-Motion Hummingbird

In this video, I saw the details of a hummingbird flying while in motion. The video had been slowed down so I could see exactly what was going on.

1. In the video I saw a hummingbird come to feed out of the feeder. It had been slowed down a lot so I could actually see the movement of the wings going back and forth.

2. Photographer Jessica Dyer took the video
3. All the story says on the website is that Dyer captured the hummingbird with her iPhone shot at 720p and 240fps. Her favorite part was when you could see the wings moving and the sound of the chirping was also slowed down.
4. I learned that the iPhone can take better pictures and videos than I thought. The video seemed to be shot with a professional camera.

Seven Tips For Shooting Great Portraits

1. On this website I looked at 7 different ways to take a good portrait picture. It showed me examples to follow when taking portrait pictures. It also gave me some tips when it comes to taking a portrait.

2. I learned about negative space and how many photographers try to crop out as much left over space but sometimes you can leave space around the subject and the space is called negative space.

4. I picked this photo because you eye focus in on the black berry but the main subject is the man below the black berry. I don't know who took this photo but they used some rule of thirds and balance in the photo.

Spiral Staircases

This website is just as it sounds, it is just spiral staircases. It has different stairs with different colors, shapes, and of course looks. It also talked about Christian Richter, the architecture photographer made the photo series, "Abandoned Staircases".
I wouldn't say that I really learned anything major except that Christian Richter originally shot staircases. and old architecture.
c16b03a3c9faeeedd0131f445693256b1. I picked this photo because even though it's not as old and dirty as the others you can still tell its aged and still vibrant. The carpet and yellow walls combined with the purplish color ties together perfectly with the metallic rustic feel. I just think that every aspect of the photo improves it to look really amazing.
2. I would say this is photo is leading lines and in a sense fill the frame. There isn't a dull part in this picture, just a lot of detail and a nice look. And leading lines for the rail and stairs make lines, the lines don't all point in the same direction but there are still lines, and it kind of looks like the lines are leading to the center of the rails spiral.
3. Christian Richter took all the spiral stair case photos.
4. This site related to photography because it is another style of photos to consider or to make your own. 

Killer Timelapse

In this website I looked at a video that was a collection of time-lapses of different places in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, which is one of the most beautiful places of the world. The timelapse was about oceans and zi lining boxes going up and down.

1. What I saw in the video was a collection of time-lapses of different places in Rion de Jeanerio, Brazil. There were time-lapses of main street, beaches, homes, and so on. It was basically displaaying the motion in that particukar place, but going as fast speed.
2. The creator of this video is Joe Capra of Scientifantastic.
3. I learned about new places in Rio and ow it looks through thee day in fast motion. The cars and people moved quickly along. It almost made me feel like I was controlling what was happening right then.

Elephant Island

I looked at a really cool photo of Elephant Island in Antartica. The photo shows the moss that grows on the moutains in the ocean. Fore, middle, and background are used very well.
1. I picked this photo because of the use of foreground and background.
2. Rule of thirds is used because the focal point of the moutains on the left third of this photo. 
3. Rachel Susssman


Video #1
Changes made:

  • Plumped lips
  • Longer neck
  • Eyes/eyebrows moved down
  • Thinner neck
  • Larger eyes
  • Contoured edges of face

Video #2
Changes made:

  • Lighting
  • Makeup/Hair
  • Eyes Bigger
  • Shoulders moved up
  • Stomach made flatter
  • Legs thinned and lengthened
  • Elongated neck
  • Brighter, highlighted hair
  • Lightened skin
Video #3
Changes made:
  • Shrunk legs and butt
  • Thinned out calves
  • Breasts larger
  • Erased fat layers under arm
  • Changed tone of skin
  • Smoothed out cellulite
  • Smaller hands
  • Thinner waist
  • Smaller head size
  • Plumped butt
  • Fuller hair and extensions
  • Thinned face
  • Skinnier arms
1. It is not ethically okay to change a person's appearance like this because it is basically telling them that their body should look like something else, so their body is messed up or imperfect.

2. In the circumstances of showing girls pictures like these to show them how to get the "best body" is more ethically wrong in some cases. You can't tell someone how to look if the picture you're showing them is false. 

3. Small changes like erasing blemishes or highlights in the hair are okay, but full-on body replacement isn't. The changes you make should be small and insignificant, not as drastic as like in video #3. 

4. I think the difference between fashion photography and photojournalism is that fashion focuses on making any changes necessary in order to get the flawless body that everyone wants to have, while photojournalism focuses on getting the most genuine pictures possible and sharing them with people.

5. Fashion photography creates a false sense of reality and leads people in the wrong direction while photojournalism shows people that there can still be genuinely beautiful things in the world without using Photoshop. 

6. I think you showed us these three videos because you want us to know how we can't always trust what we see in pictures. It is very likely that it could have been heavily photo shopped. Photojournalism is about authentic photos, so we shouldn't rely too much on changing our photos.

7. I think none of these videos are about guys because it is not expected by them as much to have the perfect body. In the past, men were considered superior to women, so the women were the ones that always had to be what the men wanted them to be. This has probably carried over into the photography world where men still expect women to meet their vision of a perfect woman.

Top 100 photos

Albino Boy, Biafra
I chose this image because I could not stop imagining theses tiny humans being perfectly healthy and smiling. I think that what mostly caught my eyes was not his legs, but the look on his face. He looks so tired and worn out, yet he is not giving up.
I read about a boy that is an albino and an orphan. He is starving, yet everyone excludes him because of the way that he looks. That one picture made everyone start talking and very soon many people started sending donations, and things that people like him need.
In addition, Don McCullin could not handle looking at his own photo because of all of the death that he saw all around him.
In addition to this picture, Don McCullin said he couldn't handle his own picture because he saw 800 children dying on the spot when he was there. He saw fflies around the kids and saw kids crawling around.
October 9, 1935 (81)
Finsbury Park, London  
Won a scholarship to Hammersmith School for Arts and Crafts, but then went to the air force.

Kent State Shootings
I chose this image because I thought that it was interesting to see the reactions on everyone's face. It seemed as if only one person actually knew what was happening because all but one person looked calm, and normal.
I read about a shooting at Kent State University in Ohio that lasted 13 seconds, yet changed the lives of everyone there. Four ended up dead, nine wounded, and many scared for life. This photo became the nations national symbol of lost youth. 
John Pauul Filo
August 21, 1948 (68)
Natrona Heights, PA
He attended Kent State University.

Alan Kurdi
I chose this image because it shocked me to see a little boy, face down in the sand. The first thing that caught my eye was how little he was. 
This is a photo of one of 2 boys that died with their mother by drowning, just trying to get to safety. They had attempted to go to the Greek island of Kos. They only had to go 3 miles, but very soon into their attempt to go to the island, a giant wave crashed their boat and killed the family. 
The additional text with this photo tells about the war going on in Syria and how many Syrians would want to escape to Europe. Since Kurdi was lying on the European shores, this gave them the hope and possibility of coming.
Nilufer Demir
Izmir Province, Turkey

Lunch atop a Skyscraper
I chose this photo because when I first saw it, chills ran down my back just looking at everyone sit on so high up.
I read that this photo was taken when young men were taking a lunch break while trying to build Rockefeller stadium. They had no ropes or any gear tied onto them and this photo is used in New York today to symbolize how New York is unfrais to take risk and tackle hard projects like this one. No one knows who took this photo, nor do they know who is in the photo because it is the most reproduced in New York.
The building of Rockefeller stadium allowed for half a million people to get jobs during the impression and made a difference with the economy.
No one knows who the photographer is.

Collapsing Fire Escape
I picked this image because although it is a very tragic accident it's impressive that the photographer caught this split second, without the picture blurring. 
In the article it says that the photographer, Stanley Forman, goes on rescue missions with the fire department to shoot routine rescues. This wasn't a random occurrence, but the fire escape collapsing was an unusual devastating accident. T
he additional information isn't there, but the article talks about how the victims of this tragedy were two females, a 19 year old, and a 2 year old. Also, this photo won Forman the Pulitzer Prize, and resulted in tougher fire escape safety codes to prevent such a tragedy.
Stanley Forman
July 10, 1945
Winthrop, Massachusetts 
Attended Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology 

Fire Escape Collapse
Image result for Stanley Forman


Monday, November 7, 2016

My Favorite Cover

The New York Times Magazine, November 24, The Flight Risk- Favorite

"For this cover story on the U.S. women’s ski-jumping team, we featured the Olympic hopeful Sarah Hendrickson as photographed by Martin Schoeller. Schoeller captures the competitive spirit of Hendrickson, who wears her competition gear, in her body posture and intense gaze."

I think that for this cover the thing that really sets it apart from all of the other covers is how simple it is. Also the red and blue with a grey really catches my eye. I do think however that they could have added more of a description on what was in the magazine. If they had done that I don't think that it would have taken away from the simplicity that much. I also think that they should not have covered up the title of the magazine as much as they did. I think that they should have moved her down some and then been able to fit the "Times" of "The New York Times". I think that the lighting is perfect for this. 
Add caption

Best Covers

1. Formal- New York, May 20, Michael Douglas is Liberace
2. Formal- Bloomberg Businessweek, December 2-8, J Crew: Teaching the World to Dress American
3. Informal- The New York Times Magazine, May 19, The Secret Lives of Germs
4. Informal- Sports Illustrated, April 22, BOSTON
5. Informal- ESPN The Magazine, September 16, Floyd Mayweather in The Flight Issue
6. Formal- The New York Times Magazine, November 24, The Flight Risk
7. Informal- Runner's World, December, Get Fit Have Fun
8. Formal- O, The Oprah Magazine, September, Hair!
9. Formal- Brides, October/November, Get Inspired!
10. Formal- W, December/January, The Art Issue
11. Formal- Harper's Bazaar, May, Summer Fashion Issue
12. Formal- New York, February 18-25, Spring Fashion
13. Informal- The Fader, February/March, Solange
14. Formal- Vanity Fair, October, 100 Years
15. Informal- ESPN The Magazine, July 22, Kenneth Faried in The Body Issue
16. Formal- GQ, February, Beyonce
17. Formal- Atlanta, November, Nobody's Safe

Magazine Tips

1. Make a brand that people know and think is a great brand.
2. Make the magazine emotionally irresistible (make people need to buy it and know what is inside it).
3. Put something on the cover that makes people curious and want to look into it.
4. Keep it simple so that you can read it easily.
5. Make sure that it is worth the money spent.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

American Soldier

I think that one of the most powerful images is the one of Ian praying at his tent. That is one of the most powerful images because you can tell he is during all of his trust and pain into god, and that he has hope that things will get better.

The images all work together to tell a story because you see all of the emotions that he was going through and experiencing. You can see all of the things that he is going through and you can almost feel the emotions he is feeling. 

The captions enhance the story because it tells you what the pictures can't. It kind of tells the background story behind the photos. 

Ian Fisher is a troubled but patriotic person. He would always try to do the right thing but then something would take him over and drag him back down again. In high school he saw a dream and decided to follow it. He enlisted in the army at 18, and sought out the american dream... to serve your country. He went into the army and trained vigorously. Ian prayed that he would make it through, but with many emotional issues he started using drugs and misbehaving. He then awoke and realized the dark hole that he was in and decided to do something about it. He got his life back together, and started to work at making things right. 

The verbs are in present tense.

There are typically 2 sentences per caption. 
The first sentence describes what physical action is going on in the photo.
The second sentence gives and future or past information related to the photo. 
The third sentence provides a quote. 
Some captions do include quotes. 
There are very few with 4 sentences. 

I think that it is possible to tell a story with just captions because it is telling you what all is going on, and it is showing you what the person in the photo is feeling. 

I think that a story written with just words and a story written with captions and pictures give off two different feelings. When it is just words then you get to imagine more and make things up, rather when it is just pictures and captions it is telling you strait up what happened. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Rules of Photography Part 2


Leading Lines

Rule of Thirds

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Goofing around, best friends Rachel King and Aspen Kissinger take a photo at their 60 year high school reunion. King always wants a perfect photo, but Kissinger can never keep a strait face. 
Proudly showing off her tiara, Jelly Belly sits at her 100th birthday party. Belly frequently thought that she was a princess due to her memory loss and though that she was at her coronation. 
Speeding around the corner, 73 year old Ann Smith and her husband Robert Smith race their electric chairs. Ann had always wanted to beat her husband, and she finally did.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Photo Shoot #2




Warm Up

1. I felt so heartbroken when I looked at these photos. He captured all of the pain that she was going through. You could just see the difference in her eyes, and at the end it looked like she had just given up.

2. I think that that quote means that the photos that he took did not label her as a cancer patient, she just was one and could not change it. I also think that quote means that photos capture the truth that is in us, not what we would like to be seen as.

3. I myself do not think that I could take photos if I were in this situation. I believe that it would be too intense for me.

4. If I were to send a letter to Angelo, I would say that he did a very good job in capturing all of the emotions that his wife was going through.  He made everyone else that is not going through what he was feel for him and his wife.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Great Black and White Photographers part 3

This photo caught my eyes because when you look at it it looks like there was a lot of chaos happening all around this kid (like a snow storm), but then it all slowed down when they took this photo. The photo just drew me in because the kid looks so peaceful. He does not look angry, or sad. He looks like he has no emotions going on in his head right at that moment.

"I feel"

I see the snow slowly wandering around me. I see everyone around me is going on with their lives and it is like I am watching them on a tv screen.
I smell the crisp snowfall around me and the wintery air. I can smell how crest the air is.
I hear the wind blowing in my ear. I hear the cars all around me are beeping and rushing by.
I taste the warmth of my mouth hitting the cold outside through my lips. I taste the warm apple cider taste, still fresh in my mouth.
I feel the sun hitting my icy skin, and warming my entire body. I feel the soft jacket that I have on is rubbing against my rough skin.

This photo caught my eyes because there was just so much depth in it. You can tell that deep in the moutons, and in the forrest, there is so much life and he caught it in black in white. It is almost like even though the photo is black and white, you can see the color of all of the trees and sky. I chose this photo because of how it just looked like there was so much happening.

"I feel"

I see each fish in the river and each animal in the forrest. I see the clouds twisting and moving like the water in the river.
I smell the trees surrounding me. I smell the fresh dirt underneath my feet.
I hear the water rushing by in the river. I hear the trees swaying in the wind. I hear the squirrels jumping from tree to tree.
I taste the ice-cold water from the river. I taste the crisp moist air.
I feel the acorns crunching underneath my feet. I feel the pine trees brushing against my arms.

I think that it would be fun to make poster to show the world my photographer. I could make a poster and we hang it in the hallway to show everyone his photos.

Mural Project

One theme that we could do is a color theme. We could do that theme on and off campus because color is all around us. One theme that we could do off campus is shooting Austin at night and during the day, seeing the difference.

I think that we should open it to regular cameras, and not just phone cameras. Not only because some people do not have phone cameras, but because regular cameras take a much better quality photos than phone cameras.

I think that we could line up all of our murals on one of the hallways.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

Abandoned Theme Parks

Out of all of the abandoned theme parks that I looked at, I would like to visit Prypiat, Ukraine. I would like to bring my camera there because it just seemed to have so much life that was there before the bomb went off. I would want to be able for people to imagine and remember what it was like going there. From the pictures I saw, I can just imagine kids playing, and riding the rides, and having fun. That is what I would want to capture if I went there.

Interesting places to take photos:
1. Old Factory
2. High up in a tree
3. Castles in India
4. Old Baseball Stadium
5. Alley Ways

I think that it would be very interesting to take photos in alley ways because a lot of times they are run down and not looking too great, but I feel like I could bring out the beauty in a run down place. I would also like to capture the type of people in alleyways. I would expect to take lots of framing photos there, just because of the structure of alley ways.

I would like to take alleyway photos in Tokyo just because of the culture there. If I were actually to go there, then I would need a camera (obviously), and plane tickets. I would ned to find a place to stay, and for to eat. I would also have to be careful of taking photos of people. I would have to know how to handle a situation if for example, someone did not want me taking a photo of them.


1.  After reading the article, I realized that Nick Brandt doesn't just see things as they are, he feels them. He can take every ounce of emotion that those animals were feeling, and make us feel those same emotions just by taking a photo. He really enhances the beauty in life and captures it so that we all can feel it.


2.  This is my favorite photo because it just looks like all of the animals are always going to stay together. It also shows hope because they are all moving forward onto something better.

3.  Simplicity is used in this photo because the clouds make sure that the elephants are the main subject.

4.  Brandt uses a Pentax 67 camera with a modified camera lens, to where there is no zoom. He believes that you cannot capture the beauty of a photo without being in it, and being close to the thing that you are taking a photo of.

5.  Brandt says that his reason for taking photos is because it is the easiest and fastest way to make a difference in the world. He says it is the way that he expresses his feelings towards the animals.

6.  His hope is that people will see what beauty is being destroyed and killed, and they will stop it from happening. He is trying to save the animals and wildlife.

8. "I want to get a real sense of intimate connection with each of the animals - with that particular lion or elephant in front of me. I believe that being that close to the animal makes a huge difference in the photographers ability to reveal its personality. You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close."

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. Some of the main points on this website regarding manipulating images is that photos are now becoming easier to manipulate and they are able to hidden much easier. Photographs are art, journalism is informing the public. In order to satisfy both, certain rules of ethics must be broken. The photographer is an artist and wants to be known for their stellar works. Publications have a job to inform the public as fairly and as impartially as possible.

B. The philosophy of newspapers like the Washington Post and the New York Times are that pictures should not be manipulated. They combat this by enforcing rules like all pictures must be turned in to prove that pictures aren't manipulated, and that that they trust the photographers to turn in unaltered pictures and they trust journalists to turn in unaltered stories.

C. I believe that not much can be done to a picture and still be ethical. Technically all alterations to a picture are unethical in the world of photojournalism.

D. I think that this picture is unethical because it places a false advertisement to the public. The University of Wisconsin is trying to break free of their racial issues by manipulating their photo and that is not okay.

E. I think this picture is least unethical because although the color manipulation was dramatic. The picture just shows a fire fighter on a ladder, it doesn't change the fire fighter or his actions in any way. The picture is pure art, and with the context I was given, I drew the conclusion that this picture was used for art and not for journalism.

DSLR Camera

Aperture Settings: 2.8, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5.6, 6.7, 8, 9.5, 11, 13, 16, 19, 22
Shutter Speed: 1-1/4000 seconds
IOS Settings: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 15600

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

1. Challenges that occurred while I was taking these photos was that it was hard just to find academic things to take photos of in our limited time. I also thought that when we did find a good subject, it was hard to work around the classroom and all of the people in it to get a good shot.

2. I thought about the angle of the photo the most. One photo where I believed that I did it really well was in my simplicity photo, I got just the right angle so that there was nothing on the wall behind my subject.

3. If I could redo the assignment then I would make my subjects more clear and focused.

4. I think that if I were to do this again then I would keep the angles in which I took the photo.

5. I think that simplicity will be the easiest rule to preform correctly.

6. I think that the hardest rule to preform correctly will be the rule of lines.

7. I am not totally clear on the rule of mergers. I think that I can go back and look at correct examples that other people have and learn from them.

Feed back:
1. Most of her subjects are very clear.
2. The focus is very clear on her subjects, and she blurred the background perfectly.
3. I think that she should have made her subject more clear in her rule of thirds photo.

Monday, September 26, 2016


ISO 200

1. It would be better to shoot a basketball game or football game with a higher ISO so that your photo would not be blurry.
2. The author suggested that you should uses low ISO when there is a lot of light so that the detail will stay high quality.
3. The author said that you should use high ISO she there is not much light, or you are not using flash.

Shutter Speed

At the Beginning:
a) medium shutter speed
b) medium shutter speed
c) fast shutter speed
d) fast shutter speed
e) medium shutter speed
f) slow shutter speed

At the End
a) slow shutter speed
b) slow shutter speed
c) fast shutter speed
d) medium shutter speed
e) medium shutter speed
f) medium shutter speed

1. Aperture Priority is when the camera sets the shutter speed and you set the aperture.
2. Shutter Priority is when the camera sets the aperture and you set the shutter speed.
3. Manual is when you set both the shutter speed and the aperture.


1. Aperture should be closely related to the human eye.
2. The smaller the aperture the more light gets let in, the larger the aperture the less amount of light gets let in. 
3. Aperture impacts Depth of Field because the smaller aperture, the less of the background that you can make out.