Monday, November 7, 2016

My Favorite Cover

The New York Times Magazine, November 24, The Flight Risk- Favorite

"For this cover story on the U.S. women’s ski-jumping team, we featured the Olympic hopeful Sarah Hendrickson as photographed by Martin Schoeller. Schoeller captures the competitive spirit of Hendrickson, who wears her competition gear, in her body posture and intense gaze."

I think that for this cover the thing that really sets it apart from all of the other covers is how simple it is. Also the red and blue with a grey really catches my eye. I do think however that they could have added more of a description on what was in the magazine. If they had done that I don't think that it would have taken away from the simplicity that much. I also think that they should not have covered up the title of the magazine as much as they did. I think that they should have moved her down some and then been able to fit the "Times" of "The New York Times". I think that the lighting is perfect for this. 
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