Sunday, October 23, 2016

Great Black and White Photographers part 3

This photo caught my eyes because when you look at it it looks like there was a lot of chaos happening all around this kid (like a snow storm), but then it all slowed down when they took this photo. The photo just drew me in because the kid looks so peaceful. He does not look angry, or sad. He looks like he has no emotions going on in his head right at that moment.

"I feel"

I see the snow slowly wandering around me. I see everyone around me is going on with their lives and it is like I am watching them on a tv screen.
I smell the crisp snowfall around me and the wintery air. I can smell how crest the air is.
I hear the wind blowing in my ear. I hear the cars all around me are beeping and rushing by.
I taste the warmth of my mouth hitting the cold outside through my lips. I taste the warm apple cider taste, still fresh in my mouth.
I feel the sun hitting my icy skin, and warming my entire body. I feel the soft jacket that I have on is rubbing against my rough skin.

This photo caught my eyes because there was just so much depth in it. You can tell that deep in the moutons, and in the forrest, there is so much life and he caught it in black in white. It is almost like even though the photo is black and white, you can see the color of all of the trees and sky. I chose this photo because of how it just looked like there was so much happening.

"I feel"

I see each fish in the river and each animal in the forrest. I see the clouds twisting and moving like the water in the river.
I smell the trees surrounding me. I smell the fresh dirt underneath my feet.
I hear the water rushing by in the river. I hear the trees swaying in the wind. I hear the squirrels jumping from tree to tree.
I taste the ice-cold water from the river. I taste the crisp moist air.
I feel the acorns crunching underneath my feet. I feel the pine trees brushing against my arms.

I think that it would be fun to make poster to show the world my photographer. I could make a poster and we hang it in the hallway to show everyone his photos.

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