Monday, October 31, 2016

Rules of Photography Part 2


Leading Lines

Rule of Thirds

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Goofing around, best friends Rachel King and Aspen Kissinger take a photo at their 60 year high school reunion. King always wants a perfect photo, but Kissinger can never keep a strait face. 
Proudly showing off her tiara, Jelly Belly sits at her 100th birthday party. Belly frequently thought that she was a princess due to her memory loss and though that she was at her coronation. 
Speeding around the corner, 73 year old Ann Smith and her husband Robert Smith race their electric chairs. Ann had always wanted to beat her husband, and she finally did.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Photo Shoot #2




Warm Up

1. I felt so heartbroken when I looked at these photos. He captured all of the pain that she was going through. You could just see the difference in her eyes, and at the end it looked like she had just given up.

2. I think that that quote means that the photos that he took did not label her as a cancer patient, she just was one and could not change it. I also think that quote means that photos capture the truth that is in us, not what we would like to be seen as.

3. I myself do not think that I could take photos if I were in this situation. I believe that it would be too intense for me.

4. If I were to send a letter to Angelo, I would say that he did a very good job in capturing all of the emotions that his wife was going through.  He made everyone else that is not going through what he was feel for him and his wife.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Great Black and White Photographers part 3

This photo caught my eyes because when you look at it it looks like there was a lot of chaos happening all around this kid (like a snow storm), but then it all slowed down when they took this photo. The photo just drew me in because the kid looks so peaceful. He does not look angry, or sad. He looks like he has no emotions going on in his head right at that moment.

"I feel"

I see the snow slowly wandering around me. I see everyone around me is going on with their lives and it is like I am watching them on a tv screen.
I smell the crisp snowfall around me and the wintery air. I can smell how crest the air is.
I hear the wind blowing in my ear. I hear the cars all around me are beeping and rushing by.
I taste the warmth of my mouth hitting the cold outside through my lips. I taste the warm apple cider taste, still fresh in my mouth.
I feel the sun hitting my icy skin, and warming my entire body. I feel the soft jacket that I have on is rubbing against my rough skin.

This photo caught my eyes because there was just so much depth in it. You can tell that deep in the moutons, and in the forrest, there is so much life and he caught it in black in white. It is almost like even though the photo is black and white, you can see the color of all of the trees and sky. I chose this photo because of how it just looked like there was so much happening.

"I feel"

I see each fish in the river and each animal in the forrest. I see the clouds twisting and moving like the water in the river.
I smell the trees surrounding me. I smell the fresh dirt underneath my feet.
I hear the water rushing by in the river. I hear the trees swaying in the wind. I hear the squirrels jumping from tree to tree.
I taste the ice-cold water from the river. I taste the crisp moist air.
I feel the acorns crunching underneath my feet. I feel the pine trees brushing against my arms.

I think that it would be fun to make poster to show the world my photographer. I could make a poster and we hang it in the hallway to show everyone his photos.

Mural Project

One theme that we could do is a color theme. We could do that theme on and off campus because color is all around us. One theme that we could do off campus is shooting Austin at night and during the day, seeing the difference.

I think that we should open it to regular cameras, and not just phone cameras. Not only because some people do not have phone cameras, but because regular cameras take a much better quality photos than phone cameras.

I think that we could line up all of our murals on one of the hallways.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

Abandoned Theme Parks

Out of all of the abandoned theme parks that I looked at, I would like to visit Prypiat, Ukraine. I would like to bring my camera there because it just seemed to have so much life that was there before the bomb went off. I would want to be able for people to imagine and remember what it was like going there. From the pictures I saw, I can just imagine kids playing, and riding the rides, and having fun. That is what I would want to capture if I went there.

Interesting places to take photos:
1. Old Factory
2. High up in a tree
3. Castles in India
4. Old Baseball Stadium
5. Alley Ways

I think that it would be very interesting to take photos in alley ways because a lot of times they are run down and not looking too great, but I feel like I could bring out the beauty in a run down place. I would also like to capture the type of people in alleyways. I would expect to take lots of framing photos there, just because of the structure of alley ways.

I would like to take alleyway photos in Tokyo just because of the culture there. If I were actually to go there, then I would need a camera (obviously), and plane tickets. I would ned to find a place to stay, and for to eat. I would also have to be careful of taking photos of people. I would have to know how to handle a situation if for example, someone did not want me taking a photo of them.


1.  After reading the article, I realized that Nick Brandt doesn't just see things as they are, he feels them. He can take every ounce of emotion that those animals were feeling, and make us feel those same emotions just by taking a photo. He really enhances the beauty in life and captures it so that we all can feel it.


2.  This is my favorite photo because it just looks like all of the animals are always going to stay together. It also shows hope because they are all moving forward onto something better.

3.  Simplicity is used in this photo because the clouds make sure that the elephants are the main subject.

4.  Brandt uses a Pentax 67 camera with a modified camera lens, to where there is no zoom. He believes that you cannot capture the beauty of a photo without being in it, and being close to the thing that you are taking a photo of.

5.  Brandt says that his reason for taking photos is because it is the easiest and fastest way to make a difference in the world. He says it is the way that he expresses his feelings towards the animals.

6.  His hope is that people will see what beauty is being destroyed and killed, and they will stop it from happening. He is trying to save the animals and wildlife.

8. "I want to get a real sense of intimate connection with each of the animals - with that particular lion or elephant in front of me. I believe that being that close to the animal makes a huge difference in the photographers ability to reveal its personality. You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close."