Tuesday, April 11, 2017

My First Interview

-Student of the month-

1. How do spell you name?

Sumin Kim

2. After winning student of the month, how does it feel?

It feels great. 

3. Are you getting more attention after the win if so how does it feel?

Yes I am, it is interesting to feel. I get a lot of attention.

4. What did you do to deserve this award?

I built a good relationship with teachers. 

5. Did your friends or family force you to run for student of the month?

No, the teachers nominated me. 

6. Were you even expecting to win student of the month?


7. Are there any specialties after winning? If not, what are some specialties you wish you could have?

No there wasn't any. I wish that there I could be exempt from my finals tho. 

8. Do you think after this whole win, that you are new person?

No I am just the same. 

9. What did you expect to happen after being student of the month?

I thought they might get me a cake. 

10. Do you really think that being student of the month is a good way to lead some of you classmates?

I do think that it is a good way to lead my classmates and I think that it is a good way to earn their respect. 

11. Has after winning student of the month made you understand what it means to be student of the month?

Yes, I think it means to be responsible and helpful. 

12. Is there someone you would like to thank for the win? If so who?

I would like to thank my parents. 

13. Being student of he month, are you able to make minor changes around the school?

No, I am still just a normal student. 

14. How long did it take you to win?

It took me 3 years. 

15. Whats an advantage of being student of the month?

You earn respect from your teachers and classmates.

16. Whats a disadvantage of being student of the month?

I don't think there is any disadvantages of being student of the month. 

17. Do you feel more stressed of after being student of the month or the same?

No, I feel the same. 

18. How do you pronounce your name?

Soo-min Kim

19. What do you plan on doing as a career in the future?

I plan on just working an office job. 

20. Do you plan on going to a 4 year collage after high school? If so which one?

Yes but i don't know which one I want to go to. 

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