Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017

Architecture Preview #2

Nautilus House



Angles and Shapes-


Cubic House




Angles and Shapes-


Stone House



National Center for the Preforming Arts




Angles and Shapes-


Kansas City Public Library




Angles and Shapes-


Monday, March 20, 2017

Warm Up

1. I think that is a very interesting statement that might me be more of a generalization. I do agree with that statement and I think that people are starting to get objects that would define them and make them unique. This makes me want to focus not on the subjects when I'm taking photos, but the objects.

2. Yes this did make me want to go to these places with my camera because there were so many bright colors and it was very interesting looking.

3. I think if I was the child of a place like this I would be so happy and creative all of the time because all of these objects just open a whole new world.

4. My favorite photo has a lady sitting at her desk and she is surrounded by thousands of colorful flowers.

Sports / Action Shoot

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Literary Magazine Photos

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Crossing the Threshold

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I Believe in Makeup

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The Paper Forest

Front Pages of the World

My favorite newspaper front page was The Valley Morning Star from Harlington, TX because of its vibrant colors, layout, and exciting design.

My favorite headline from this newspaper is "Big Splash For SPI" because the word splash was written in yellow which stood out from all the other text and caught my eye. Also, behind the word splash was a cutout of, well, a splash that went over some boundaries on the page. It was really dynamic and interesting.

There are three stories on the front page of this newspaper.
All newspapers have the title of the newspaper at the top of the front page. The largest photo that takes up  a lot of the page is for the most important story. Titles are the largest font size, headings are the second largest, and the story text is very small. The stories are small, because they continue on other pages.

On the front page, the layouts are very diverse. The placement and size of text, photos, and stories create a very diverse array of newspaper front pages. Essentially, all the aspects off a front cover mentioned in the answer to question #4 are done in different ways by each newspaper.

Loan Star Dispatch Issue #4

Varsity cheerleaders prepare for national competition
The varsity cheerleaders are heading to a national competition. They have had some set backs as a team, but they are hoping to make it to the finals. They also hope to their team bond grows stronger from this trip.

Who? varsity cheerleaders 
What? prepare for national competition
Where? Orlando, Florida
When? February 10
Why? to move onto the finals
How? creating a unique routine
Who was quoted in the story? cheerleaders and cheer coach
Strongest Quote? “We’ve overcome a lot as a team and I think that this will bond us closer together and it is great to experience a trip like this with the people I spend most of my time with.” at the very end
Lead sentence? not really

High schoolers can fall in love
Can people in high school actually fall in love? Austyn Keelty thinks that people can, but other people, like parents, think they can't. According to Keelty, love isn't a thing that can form in one day. According to scientists it can take up to 88 days to fall in love. Different hormones are released when a person is in love.
Who? high school students
What? love
Where? high school
When? their whole life
Why? it's a subject a lot of people have to talk about
How? meeting someone
Who was quoted in the story? no one
Strongest quote? there were no quotes.
Lead sentence? yes

Behind the scenes of The Who's Tommy musical 
Bowie High Schools 2017 production of "The Who's Tommy" musical took a lot of hard work and stress. Students and Staff at Bowie talked about their experiences, biggest challenges, and what it was all about. This group of people made the set and props all by hand and had to wait till last minute for some, which made it even more stressful. Overall the students thought this project was stressful but inspirational.
Who? the Who's Tommy cast and crew
What? theatre tech part of the production
When?- before the tommy production
Where?- bowie theatre
Why? the hard work of putting on a musical
How? gather students quotes and thoughts
Strongest Quote? "We waited last minute for a lot of things that did not happen and that meant that we ended up making a good show, but one that could've gone better."-Julia Cabera

A1- Squad Goals
I think this photo is really good because it displays the photo of the cheerleaders very well. It focuses on one cheerleader with multiple cheerleaders around her and the football field and football players behind them. the lighting is very well especially sense the photo is taken at night. the rules of photographer used in this photos is the main ideas and rule of thirds.

B1- Jumping Hurdles

This picture is a good action shot of a girl on a horse jumping over the fence. its a good shot because it displays the whole moment very well. the lighting in the shot is not the best because the horse and the girl are facing against the sun. The rule of photography is action shot. The photo is exposed properly.

B7- Practice Makes Perfect
The picture is of a kid Mathew lane showing off his yoyo skills and the photo is a really cool action shot in black in white the picture looks a lot better in black in white because it takes a basic photo and makes it a lot more interesting. rule of Photography is Black and White photo. The main subject is the senior Mathew Lane.

B8- A Balancing Act
The picture is a nice picture of three gymnasts all balancing on a balance beam and the photo is well balanced with the three girls because they all progressively get taller from left to right. The rule of Photography is Balance and rule of thirds  and lines of symmetry. The photo is well exposed.

My favorite photos is the picture of Mathew lane the kid with the yo yo. I like this photo because I like how the photo  is in black and white and i like the action shot of him and the yo-yo.

My least favorite photo is labels Critique. I am not a huge fan of this photo because it is a little boring and its meant to display the kids science fair project but the kid and the man are covering it up with there bodies.