Monday, May 8, 2017


My Opinions Story

          Mack Beggs was declared the winner at the UIL wrestling state girls championship on February 25, 2016. Beggs Identifies as a male, but a court ruling stated that you had to wrestle the gender on your birth certificate. It has become a very controversial topic mainly because he was taking testosterone, and many of his opponents and others including me, believed that testosterone should count as a form of steroids.
          Beggs was a Junior who attended Trinity High School in Euless, Texas. He was born a girl and was transitioning into becoming a male. He wrestled an undefeated season of 44 wins and no losses at 110 pounds.
          Beggs was part of a two-year plan to fully transition from a girl to a boy, that allowed him to take testosterone pills which would make him lose his breasts and start growing facial hair. It also made him stronger than a female. Because of this, many of his opponents forfeited their matches against him because they believed he had an unfair advantage.
          One of Texas's policies is the you have to wrestle the gender that is on your birth certificate. Another states that boys and girls cannot wrestle against each other. In the end it really came down to if you considered Mack Beggs a girl or a boy. The judges stuck to the gender on the birth certificate, and ultimately declared that Beggs had to wrestle girls.
           Although Beggs wanted to wrestle against boys he did not challenge the ruling. He thought that if he tried to challenge the ruling that the judges might not let him wrestle at all. He then stated that "I would rather have a chance to compete than to not compete at all."
          When Beggs finally won his hast championship match there were boos and there were cheers. When he was asked about the boos by the reporters he stated that "Honestly, I didn't even care about the boos. This is what I worked for. It finally paid off."
          There is no doubt that any state champion has to work hard to get to where they are, but the people that are wrestling against him would have to work a whole lot harder to get to be state champ mainly for one reason.
          Mack Beggs is a girl that takes testosterone to identify as a guy, and no matter what you say, testosterone makes you stronger giving you an unfair advantage. There is a reason why in Texas girls do not wrestle guys  and by allowing girls to compete with Beggs is giving him an advantage.
          The bottom line is that there is a reason that Beggs is taking those drugs. He wouldn't be talking them if they were not doing anything. Testosterone is taken by girls to gain qualities of boys. That includes strength. Mack Beggs was under the influence of performance inhancing drugs while wrestling and should not have gotten the state title for girls wrestling 110.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Merger Photo Preview

1. Different lighting
2. I think it would be cool to take this on a stairwell.
3. You could do different arm motions.
4. The same thing

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Final Exam Planning

1. I will be shooting this assignment this friday night. 
2. I will shoot on soco and at castle hill. 
3. I will be telling a story of my friday night at castle hill taking photos and painting. 
4. I will just need my camera, friends, and a car. 
5. My narration will be at the beginning of the video and i will have photos all throughout. I will randomly have videos in the middle just of my friends spray painting and being goofy.  

Infographic and Ilustrator

Friday, April 21, 2017

Personal Essays

1. Pick a topic with a little bit of controversy.
2. If you are writing something about a small / personal occourance then include something so that the reader can gain insight.
3.-If every sentance begins with "I" you need to rephrase that so it flows better.
-Make connections
-Use the freedom that you have to think whatever you want to about the topic

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Opinions writing Peer Review Activity

Immigration laws getting out of hand

1. Who wrote the story?


2. What is their story about?

Immigration laws put in place by Donald Trump. 

3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really 
good job of paraphrasing.

The opinion is that "Much of President Trumps's rhetoric was based on demonizing minority 
groups and casting them as criminals, trespassers, and terrorists."

4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?

No, they just put they're opinion. 

5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well
 maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.

They did not put anything in the article to imply that they're opinion wouldn't be valid. I think the article was very one-sided. 

6. Are there any quotes in the story?

Yes there was quotes. 

7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?

Third Person 

Betsy DeVos unfit to serve as U.S. Secretary of Education 

1. Who wrote the story?

Regan Wallace 

2. What is their story about?

Betsy DeVos being appointed U.S. Secretary of Education by President Donald Trump. 

3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really 
good job of paraphrasing.

"She was given an opportunity to led a sector of politics she is unqualified to lead."

4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?

They did not address the other sides thoughts or opinions. 

5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well 
maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.

Just like the previous article, I believe this was a very one sided article

6. Are there any quotes in the story?

There is one quote. 

7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?

Third Person

Our great tree is worth saving 

1. Who wrote the story?

Ian Miller

2. What is their story about?

The tree in the courtyard of Bowie. 

3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really
 good job of paraphrasing.

"To see it go would be like seeing piece of Bowie leave itself."

4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?

Yes they did. 

5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well 
maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.


6. Are there any quotes in the story?

No there isn't any quotes. 

7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?

Third Person 

Going above the norm for college

1. Who wrote the story?

Jake Brien

2. What is their story about?

It is about going above and beyond to get into college

3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really 
good job of paraphrasing.

"Today many colleges have upped their game." 

4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?

There wasn't really two sides, it was just informing. 

5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well 
maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.

They didn't really have an opinion. 

6. Are there any quotes in the story?


7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?

Third Person

Importance of physics class

1. Who wrote the story?

Abby Ong

2. What is their story about?

Taking physics

3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really 
good job of paraphrasing.

"I believe all students should take it regardless of their endorsement."

4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?


5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they ever go back and say well 
maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.


6. Are there any quotes in the story?


7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?

First Person

Finally, answer the following questions:

A. What do you think the major differences between a hard news story and an opinions piece? 
Come up with at least three.

1. A hard news story gives both sides of the story. 

2. Opinion pieces are shorter.

3. Opinion pieces can be based outside of school.

B. Why do you think there aren't very many photos on this page?

I think a lot of the stories are on based on our school  and we couldn't take the photos. 

C. What are three topics you think would be good to write an opinions piece on?

1. The workload of students. 

2. Taking different classes. 

3. The AISD food truck

Peer Review SoM

Paragraphs- 50
5 Quotes- 25
Inverted Pyramid- 25
Extra Credit- 10

Monday, April 17, 2017

SLO Practice

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. C

Caption Writing:

Jacob Smith walks Riya Khtri down city hall on March 30, 2015 for opening ceremony of the Olympics. Khtri has been nominated to light the traditional burning of the torch.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Student of the Month Story

Who- Sumin Kim
What- won student of the month
Where- James Bowie High School
When- March 3, 2017
Why- good grades and respect from teachers
How- got nominated by the teachers

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sports Portfolio Evaluation

Runner Up Videos

1. Travis Haughton
2. stories
3. -seeing the back of peoples head, they want to see faces
-mergers and cutting off parts of the body
-photos not having a lot of meaning, wanted something more interesting
4. levels in the composition 
stopped action well
5. I thought this photographer was ok. His photos could have had better composition to make them more appealing to the viewer.

1. Nick Adams
2. sports
3. -boring photos
-can't find subject easily
-too many children, vary subject age
4. interesting lighting, creates artistic shots
effort in getting close up to subjects
5. I did not really like this photographer. I think he put too much stuff in the photos and then it made the subject unclear.

1. Sam Adams
2. action
3. -have action, too boring with subjects being still
-get closer so we can see who subject is
-location of where subject is in the photo
4. create mood
stopping mid action with blur
5. I thought this photographer was better than the previous ones. I liked their use of color, it added something to the photo. Also, using simplicity.

1. Justin Mott
2. stories & photo j
3. -use of focus, what is in focus and what is out
-how much of an element is in the photo
-how they created their portfolio 
4. tells a story
evokes emotion
5. I liked this photographer. He had good composition in his photos that told a story well. Emotion was also captured nicely. 


Dustin Snipes
1. They looked at how all the people react in the pictures. The compositions and common used rules. 
2. They looked like creativity, bright colors, lighting, composition, shadows. Some pictures were very messy and you couldn't tell the main object but the pictures were amazing. 

Contest Recap

1. To decide the winner the judges went back and looked on the portfolios they liked. They discussed the stories of each one and what the photos made them feel. Along with the way the photos were taken.

Individual Images

1. We both like the photo of a guy getting hit in the face with a hockey stick. The judges like it because it captured the action well and I thought having both guys in green shirts added to the balance of the image. 
2. The judges did not like this picture of 3 kids holding onto a horse. I thought is was interesting and would want to know the story behind what happened and why the little boy is smiling. 

1. I agree with the judges on a photo of a girl mid-air with her arms out and an expression on her face. We both like it because of the simplicity, yet the intensity of her face adds to it.
2. I do not agree with the judges on a photo of a girl with her arms in the air and a tennis racket. The judges are okay with it not containing her face, but I think it lacks emotion without it.

1. I agree with the judges that this photo is bad. It is of a football goalpost with a light shining in the background. There is no subject or anything that catches your eye.
2. I do not agree with the judges on this photo of a girl kissing the bat. The judges think it is odd, and I agree with that. But, the angle and way it was taken is very interesting I think.

1. I agree with the judges on these photos and the story. The photos show a boy working with dogs. We both think they capture the story well and have interesting, thoughtful elements.
2. I do not agree with the judges on these photos about curling. They think they captured a boring sport in a cool way. I disagree and think the photos don’t have anything exciting.

1. I agree with the judges on a photo of a dirty rugby hat. It contains a lot of detail from being so close up and with all the dirt and scratches it really tells a story.
2. I disagree with the judges on a photo of a girl in a swimming pool from overhead. They think it has cool shapes, but I think your eye just gets lost looking at it.

1. I agree with the judges on a photo of a girl getting attacked by a goose. The action is stopped at just the right moment and you can understand what is happening.
2. I still do not agree with the judges on a photo of a person throwing their arms in the air with a tennis racket. I don’t think anything exciting is happening that is worth taking a photo.

1. I agree with the judges that the photo story that won was exemplary. The photos clearly told a story.
2. I do not agree with the judges on the escalator photo. It was a good photo, but I felt it could have been more dramatic. 

Inverted Pyramid

Image result for Inverted Pyramid

School Uniforms

  • students
  • Austin Independent School District
  • Teachers 

1. How was the decision made that all publics schools will now have uniforms?
2. Does this new policy have to do with discipline and keeping thing in line?
3. Have you gotten the perspective of the parents of these students?
5. Some public & private school had a uniform dress code, Why go all out and have all schools
6. Children are already worried about what they wear, do you think this going to help them?
7. Are the uniforms like other school uniforms?
8. Some schools already have budgets, how is this helping the schools save money for other important supplies.
9. Are the schools providing the uniforms or..
10. I understand that it helps cut time on having students late to school but wouldn't it be fair that students were able to wear whatever they desire to express who they are as a teenager?
11. Has this subject of uniforms always been a top priority question?
12. How can this improve the school itself?
13. Do teachers benefit with the new change in a financial level?
14. Why did it take this long to actually do this policy on have uniforms for everyone?
15. How long has it takin to actually have everyone on board w/ this new rule?
16. Who had the idea to actually enforce this new policy, b/c even though there are some schools with this rule. Who actually said its time for change.
17. Coming from schools that never had uniforms, wouldn't you think that everyone can wear the same clothes but that based like the uniform itself.
18. Students already have to wear similar cloths in other classes like P.E and band etc. Why should they be forced into another rule that they don't really want to be apart of?
19. How is everyone that you know that aren't for this new policy dealing w/ it?
20. How do you spell and pronouns your name?